6 Must-Have Resources for a Meaningful & Measurable Present Level of Performance

6 Resources to Write a Meaningful & Measurable PLOP

Printable PDF Files to Improve your Present Levels of Performance

Raise Your Hand If…

Raise your hand if you’ve ever given a teacher a form to complete for your student’s IEP and they don’t return it? Yup. Me too. When you ask teachers for feedback, they often lose the form, can’t find the time to complete the form, or simply don’t want to do it. Then you’re left filling in the gaps and writing a Present Level of Performance based only on your experiences with the student.  

If you’re looking for a form that general education teachers will actually complete, I created PDF forms so you don’t have to. You can use the PLOP Form that best fits your needs or use them all when you choose the bundle.

IEPs are a lot of work.

It’s daunting enough assessing the student, gathering data, writing a 20-40 page IEP, organizing the IEP meeting - let alone writing Present Levels that actually represent the student. Over my years as a Special Educator, I had the same problems with getting input from general education teachers. Gen. Ed. teachers already have a lot on their plate. That’s why I created a simple, yet useful form that teachers can complete in less than 5 minutes. 

Let me help you.

And I want to give it away to you! You deserve it. To download a PDF version of the forms, Click Here. You can download all the forms: English, Math, Science, or Social Studies by visiting my Teachers Pay Teachers account. 

The bottom line?

Present Levels of Performance is the backbone of the IEP document. It drives all other components and links them together. It provides a snapshot of the student so the IEP team can make decisions about future goals, accommodations, services, and eligibilities. 

That’s why it’s essential we write holistic and meaningful PLOPs (Present Levels of Performances). Holistic PLOPs will create effective IEP meetings and plans. 

It will provide an accurate representation of the student’s abilities, areas of need, and impact(s) of disability. For more information on How to Write an Effective Present Levels of Performance, click here. 

Present Levels of Performance - Teacher Surveys

For now, build your IEP toolkit by downloading the Present Levels of Performance - Teacher Surveys. And check out my Teachers Pay Teachers account to discover more resources to make meaningful, comprehensive, and effective IEPs. 

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6 Must-Have Resources for Meaningful and Measurable PLOPs


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